
last update: 2008-06-23    -   Ronald Koster home page
See also: bookmarks candidates
Syntax: <hyperlink(s)> [- description] [-- other keywords]

Used often

AEX - Euronext Amsterdam. See also: De Financiële Telegraaf. -- beurs, Euronext
DaVindi, Dmoz - Human-edited web directory. -- zoeken, search
Google, Google Advanced Search -- zoeken, search engine, zoekmachine
Logica bookmarks, webmail, Teletekst -- news, NOS


Bernardus -- voetbal
Amazon USA, Amazon UK, Bookpool, Bol, Computercollectief - Ordering Books.
DVD Decrypter, DVD43 DVD Shrink, DVD Profiler,, BitTorrent,, AnyDVD - All about DVDs, formats, rippers, burners, etc. -- transcode.
Kazaa, Earthstation5, Grokster, Gnutella -- P2P, ES5, - MP3 tools, doc and data finders. See also: LAME, CDex. -- MP3 Encoder, Decoder, CoDec, WAV, CD Ripper, bitrate
TVTome - Ultimate TV Guide.
Routeplanner ANWB, Routeplanner/Kaarten Michelin -- routeplanner, geografie, kaarten, maps
VLC Media Player, MPlayer - Cross-platform media players and streaming servers. (Open Source) -- MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, mp3, ogg, DVDs, VCDs
What is my IP address, Test your security, Speed Test - ADSL stuff.


Axis & Allies - Avalon Hill Official Home Page. -- Board game, bordspel, rule book, rules, spelregels
Babel Fish Translation - Translate site, see also Euroglot Online,,, Van Dale. -- translate, dictionary, vertalen, woordenboek
CIA World Factbook -- intelligence, geografie
Clausewitz Homepage - On War.
Haze Gray & Underway, World Navies Today -- navy, marine.
Nederlands Heidendom - Germaanse mythologie.
Onze Taal -- spelling, groene boekje.
Roman History, Ancient History, The Roman Empire - Great sites on the Romans and other ancients. - A complete data bank with information on viruses.
Wikipedia - High quality open content (thus free) encyclopedia.

Physics and other Sciences

Astronomy 162 - Introduction to Stars, Galaxies and the Universe -- astrometry, distance problem, cosmology, dark matter
Fundamental Particals: Particle Adventure
Fundamental Particals: SLAC - Stanford Linear Accelerator Center.
Fundamental Particals: CERN.
Fundamental Particals: Superstring Theory.
MikTex - Open source LaTeX implemtatie (bevat ook ps2pdf convertor). -- tekstverwerker
Planet Positions Calendar -- astronomy
SEDS - Students for the Exploration and Development of Space -- astronomy, astronomie, space exploration, ruimtevaart
U.S. Naval Observatory - Astronomical Applications Department -- astronomy, astronomie, USNO

On-line books

A New Kind of Science
Security Engineering



Agile Manifesto - Manifesto for Agile Software Development. See also Wikipedia on Agile Manifesto.
Application Server Matrix - Application Server Comparison -- J2EE, JBoss, JOnAS, Tomcat, Jetty
Database Management System Matrix - Database Management System (DBMS) Comparison -- PostgreSQL, MySQL, Ingres, Oracle, DB2
JTA/XA Transactions -- Distributed Transactions, Two-Phase Commit, 2 Phase Commit, 2PC, Spring
Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) -- Mule, WebSphere MQ
IBM Redbooks, IBM Software -- WebSphere, DB2, Lotus, Tivoli
Internet Engineering Task Force - Publishes all main RFCs. -- internet
Java docs van Sun - For GUIs see also one of the Swing tutorials and Javaworld
JSR index -- Java
Log4J Help - By Vipan Singla. -- Java
Object Management Group - Standardisation Organisation. -- CORBA, UML, AUML, ...
Object Relational Tool Comparison -- Hibernate, JDO, Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)
Open Source Initiative (OSI) - Manages and promotes the Open Source Definition.
Open Source Licenses - Overview of most open source license types. Why open source is more secure.
Open Source Maturity Model (OSMM) - How to determine the maturity of (open source) software.
OSOSS catalogus - OSOSS = Open Standaarden en Open Source Software voor de overheid. -- CaNOS
Tweakers - All sorts of IT news.
UML Agile Modeling - UML Tutorial from
UML Basics - Learn UML in 5 minutes. -- UML Tutorial
UML Quick Reference - Allen Holub's UML Quick Reference. -- UML Tutorial
UML Tutorial - From Sparx Systems. Can also be used as a quick reference manual.
W3C home page - Standaardisation Organisation. -- internet, HTTP, HTML, XML, XSL, DTD, SVG, XML Schema, ... - Tutorials site. -- HTML, XHTML, XML, XSL, DTD, DOM, WAP, WML, SOAP, WSDL (Web Services), ... - On-line IT encyclopedia. - XML resources.

On-line books

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs -- SCIP
The Catalysis Book - THE best way of defining software requirements and designs. Reading the first chapter (A Tour of Catalysis) will get you started already. -- Use Cases, Analysis Classes, Analys Model, Design Model

Open Source Software (OSS), Freeware, Shareware

Why use a Closed Source product when you can use an Open Source product instead?

ANT - Build tool. -- IDE
Apache -- Web Server, Internet, HTML, HTTP protocol, Jakarta, Tomcat Servlet & JSP engine, Ant, Log4J, Log for Java, Xalan, Cocoon, Crimson, Xerces, XML tools, XML API, XSL, FOP (paginated output, XSL-FO to PDF, see also JFOR for XML to RTF), DOM, SAX, JAXP, Java, Commons, Axis, SOAP, WSDL, ...
ArgoUML - UML tool (oude URL).
Axis - Web Services in Java. -- WSDL, SOAP
AVG, AntiVir - Free (for personal use) virus scanners.
Bugzilla - Tool for managing software development. -- Defect Tracking System, Bug Tracking System
bzip2 home page - Compression tool.
Checkstyle home page - Automatic Java coding style checker.
Clam AntiVirus - OSS virus scanners.
CVS home page - Version Control System. See also: Subversion, WinCVS (CVS GUIs for: Windows, Mac, Linux), TortoiseCVS (GUI integrated in Windows Explorer, SSH support), CVSNT (if you are forced to use Windows servers). -- Version Control, IDE
Cygwin home page - Unix environment for Windows.
Doxygen - JavaDoc alike for C, C++, IDL en Java. -- Documentation generator
DSpace - Document Management System. -- DMS, Java
Eclipse - Open extensible IDE. -- integrates with: ANT, CVS
Emma - Java code coverage tool. -- Test coverage.
GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program. -- plaatjes
GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG, GPG) - GNU's free replacement for PGP. -- cryptografie
GNU Software - GNU's Not Unix. -- General Public License (GPL)
Graphviz - Graph Visualization Software. Superb graph tool/library. -- Java
GNU utilities for Win32 - Unix Utils for Windows. Easier to use than Cygwin.
Grinder home page - Automatic Load-Testing of Web applications and HTTP services. -- HttpUnit, JUnit.
Hibernate - OO database layer on top of a RDBMS of your choice. Also creating the database schema and accompanying POJO classes made easy. All you need to know is XML! -- Java, EJB3, EJB 3.0, Object-Relational Mapping (ORM), DB lib, DB tools
HSQLDB - Lightweight 100% Java SQL Database Engine. -- Testing database applications
ht://Dig - Search Engine, aka. htdig. -- zoekmachine, zoeken
HttpUnit home page - Automatic Web application Testing in Java. -- JUnit.
ImageMagick - Beautiful image manipulation tool. -- plaatjes
Ivy dependency manager. A lightweight alternative for Maven. -- Java, ANT
Java home page -- Javasoft, IDE
JBoss - The best J2EE Application Server is free! -- Java
JDOM home page -- Java, XML, DOM, SAX
jEdit - Good Java based text editor. -- text editor, IDE
Jetty - 100% Java HTTP Server and Servlet Container. Small (Lightweight), efficient and fast. Alternative to Tomcat. Create a complete Application Server with only a few lines of code! -- JBoss
JSP tutorial quick, JSP tutorial extensive (klik op "JavaServer Pages (JSP)") -- Java, J2EE, HTML
JUnit home page - Automatic Unit Testing in Java. -- HttpUnit
Logging - Algemene schil van Apache om meerdere logging implementaties. -- Java, Log4J
Lucene - Fast text search engine (indexer) written in Java.
MMBase - OO database layer over een RDBMS met als primaire toepassing CMS = Content Management System for websites. -- Java
MikTeX - Zie hierboven.
Mozilla, Opera, Netscape - Internet Browsers en vooral bij Mozilla nog veel meer moois (Firebird, Thunderbird). -- XSLT, JavaScript debugging, DOM inspector (XML validating), HTML editor (Composer), e-mail en newsgroup client, XUL, XPCOM, License
Mule - Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) -- Mule, WebSphere MQ
MySQL - Eenvoudige database server (geoptimaliseerd voor lezen). -- DBMS, SQL
NetBeans - OSS IDE, broertje (á la Mozilla en Netscape) van Forte van Sun. -- XML tools
NTP - Network Time Protocol. -- tijd synchroniseren
OJB, JAG - Much like Hibernate, which I would prefer. -- Java, J2EE, DB tools
OpenOffice - Office pakket. -- XML-based file format
OpenSSH - SSH toolkit van Zie ook PuTTY en OpenSSH for Windows. -- cryptografie, secure telnet
OpenSSL - SSL toolkit van (zie ook Apache-SSL). -- cryptografie, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), HTTPS protocol, SSLeay
OpenVPN - A full-featured SSL VPN solution.
Paj - Great site on cryptography. -- Java, RSA
PDFCreator - Easily creates PDFs from any Windows program. Use it like Windows printer.
Perl - Scripting taal.
PGP international home page - Pretty Good Privacy. See also GnuPG. -- cryptografie
PostgreSQL - Uitgebreide database server. Als je per sé wilt betalen is er ook commerciële ondersteuning. Zie ook de pgAdmin database tool. -- DBMS, SQL
Prevayler - Why use an SQL database when you can use a pure OO database which is more than a 1000 times faster!? -- Java, DBMS
PuTTY - Windows telnet client. -- telnet, secure shell
Python - Scripting taal.
Samba - File, printer en zelfs (indien gewenst) PDC server. -- SMB protocol
SourceForge - Eén van de belangrijkste OSS hosting sites!
Spring - The best of all frameworks.
SquirrelMail is a standards-based webmail package written in PHP4.
Struts - MVC library for web applications. -- Java, JSP
Subversion - Modern replacement for CVS. See also Subclipse (Subversion plugin for Eclipse), Wikipedia on Subversion. -- SVN
SuSE, Red Hat, Linspire (Lindows), KNOPPIX. -- Linux
Swish-e - Zoekmachine. -- search engine, zoeken
Torque - Much like Hibernate, which I would prefer. -- Java, DB tools
Tera Term - Windows telnet client. -- telnet
Vim - Improved vi editor. -- text editor, IDE
VNC - Virtual Network Computing (van AT&T Laboratories Cambridge). Zie ook: Making VNC more secure using SSH, TightVNC. -- X-server, SSH tunnel, VPN
WinMerge - Visual text file differencing and merging tool for Windows platforms.
WinSCP - Handy SCP client for Windows. -- FTP, SSH
XDoclet - Boring Java (related) code can be generated! -- Code generation engine
XML parser Piccolo - Snelste XML parser die er is. Zie ook Crimson en Xerces van
XUL: Mozilla (home of XUL), Luxor, SwingML - Xml User interface Languages. -- GUI, XML

Other Software

TextPad - Zeer handige text editor voor Windows. -- text editor, IDE
Xopus: an XML editor that uses standard XML, XSL and Schema to present a browser based WYSIWYG editor.


DaVindi - Zie bovenaan de pagina.
Dmoz - Zie bovenaan de pagina.
Google - Zie bovenaan de pagina.
Google Groups Search, Google Advanced Groups Search -- news groups
Google Directory - Google's human-edited web directory (Dmoz alike).
Teoma - Google alike.
Vivisimo - Google alike.
Wisenut - Google alike.