by Ronald Koster, version 1.2, 2017-12-20
Croatian translation (courtesy of Milica Novak)
Scale = 10-10 (1AU ^= 15m)
Item | In m | Unit | Size of |
Diameter Sun | 0,14 | 10cm | Large grapefuit |
Diameter Earth | 0,00127 | 1mm | Small ball bearing |
Diameter Moon | 0,00035 | 0,1mm | Grain of sand |
Distance Earth-Moon | 0,038 | 1cm | |
Distance Sun-Earth | 15 | 10m | |
Diameter Jupiter | 0,0141 | 1cm | Marble |
Distance Sun-Jupiter | 78 | 10m | |
Diameter Neptune | 0,0049 | 1mm | Small (immature) berry |
Distance Sun-Neptune | 450 | 100m | 4,5 * FootballFieldLength |
Diameter Pluto | 0,00023 | 0,1mm | Grain of sand |
Distance Sun-Pluto | 591 | 100m | 6 * FootballFieldLength |
Distance Sun-ProximaCentauri | 4,02 * 1061Mm | Distance Utrecht-KuwaitCity
| |
Scale = 10-17 (1ly ^= 9,5cm ≈ 0,1m)
Item | In km | Unit | Size of | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Diameter Earth | 1,3 * 10-13 | 0,1nm | Hydrogen atom | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Distance Sun-Earth | 1,5 * 10-91μm | Bacterium
| Distance Sun-Neptune | 45 * 10-9 | 10μm | Human cell
| Distance Sun-ProximaCentauri | 4,02 * 10-4 | 10cm | Height of a women's boot
| Diameter MilkyWay | 12 | 10km | City of Utrecht
| Distance MilkyWay-Andromeda | 254 | 100km | Distance Utrecht-Luxembourg
| Diameter Local group | 10 * 103 | 10Mm | Distance Utrecht-CapeTown
| Diameter Virgo supercluster | 11 * 104 | 100Mm | 2,8 * PerimeterEarth
| Most distant astronomical object | 1,3 * 106 | 1Gm | 3,4 * DistanceEarthMoon
| |